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What Does "Flare Free" Mean

Laura Rodriguez

Hi there!

I'm Laura Rodriguez! Holistic chef and Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior. I've reversed several different diet and lifestyle related illnesses by embracing a plant rich, whole foods, anti-inflammatory diet and I'm on a mission to help autoimmune warriors like you do the same!

If you're new hear, you'll hear me describe my food as "Flare Free" And you may be wondering just exactly what that means.

"Flare Free" means gluten, dairy, sugar, corn, soy, peanut free and anti-inflammatory comfort food that won't cause autoimmune flare-ups.

So food that's also free of factory farmed meat and eggs, farmed seafood, industrially refined nut and seed oils like canola oil and vegetable oil, and pesticide laden produce.

The basic tenet of cooking and eating Flare Free is this:

Increase your intake of anti-inflammatory foods and decrease your intake inflammatory foods.

Which begs the question: what is inflammation and what's it got to do with food?

This is a great article to read by Dr. Mark Hyman that address both of those questions.

In general, anti-inflammatory foods are foods that are rich in inflammation fighting vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals and omega 3s. Inflammatory foods would be the exact opposite.

So, what are some examples of those?


-Colorful in-season fruits and vegetables (organic if they're on the Dirty Dozen List)

-Gluten free whole grains

-Organic pasture-raised meat + eggs

-Wild caught seafood

-Raw nuts and seeds

-Beans and legumes

-Healthy fats


This may seem overwhelming, I know.


1.) Reach for one ingredient items (IE: zucchini, garlic, brown rice, etc. - organic if they're on the Dirty Dozen List)

2.) Reach for organic grass-fed and/or pasture raised meats and wild caught seafood

3.) Omit gluten, dairy and sugar (moderate consumption of raw dairy from pasture raised sheep/goats may be tolerable for some)

4.) If you're using processed foods, reach for varieties that have 5-7 identifiable ingredients or less listed on the back. Avoid packaged items that contain a litany of hard to pronounce ingredients.

P.S. If you're still feeling overwhelmed, I totally understand!

But don't fret.

The absolute easiest way to eat Flare Free is simply by following my recipes! And over the past couple of years, I've written over 500 of them for you. You can find plenty of free ones right here on my blog and under the "Free Resources" tab on my website!

In the meantime, screen shot these graphics below for the next time you grocery shop!

I'm so excited you're here! Using food as medicine is hard work but the hardest part is just getting started so it's all uphill from here for you!!

If you need more help or just want to chat with someone who knows what you're going through, DM me on Instagram!



More Resources for You:


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2021 Chef Laura Rodriguez, Mulberry Ridge, LLC.

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