Prefer to listen? Check out this episode of The Autoimmune Edible Rx Podcast!
Today I want to share with you, how hitting rock bottom twice helped me unlock the secret to cooing and cleaning in half the time.
But before I tell you my story, I'm curious...
Have you tried eating better to manage the symptoms of your autoimmune condition, but you can’t seem to do it longer than 1-2 weeks because you suck at consistency and you’re tired of eating boring, bland, “bro meals” that no one else in the house wants to eat?
Do you barely have enough time to do all of the things you need to do every day, let alone cook and clean 3 times a day, every day?
Would you like to try your hand at meal prepping but the sheer thought of having to plan a week of meals and then shop and cook and clean is entirely overwhelming and almost sends you into a panic?
I know how you feel.

The hard truth is, if you give up before you ever start, you'll just stay where you are right now:
🎢 Stuck on the rollercoaster ride of food-driven autoimmune flare-ups…
💸 Stuck spending hundreds of dollars on take out that causes you to feel like crap when you could be saving money cooking at home…
🏥 Stuck watching your symptoms worsen and your disease progress, when you could be getting your life back.
😴Stuck on the couch with paralyzing fatigue after work everyday when you could be regaining the energy to do things you loved to do before your diagnosis.

Back in 2021, I too, was trapped in this vicious cycle myself.
After 2 ½ years of working full-time as a private chef to a country music star, I was completely inflamed and in chronic pain from the high stress and demands of the job, from working in a mold-infested building, and from cooking (and tasting) too many ingredients I normally wouldn’t eat - just because my clients requested them.
Not only that, I was eating out more than I was eating at home (because the last thing I wanted to do after a 13 hour day at work was cook or clean).
I had so much pain in my feet, I couldn’t go anywhere or do anything without my $700 custom orthotic shoes on.
🚫 No walking barefoot on the beach…
🚫 No gardening barefoot at home…
🚫 No cooking barefoot in my kitchen.
In fact, I couldn’t even stand while cooking!
I had stools all over the kitchen so that I could sit while working.
It got so bad that after one particularly long day of cooking for my clients all day and then catering a dinner party for their guests at night, my husband had to carry me to the bathroom because I couldn’t walk there myself.
That was the moment I knew something had to change.
I had hit rock bottom a second time and I could no longer continue doing “business as usual”.
It was time to put myself, and my health, before everything and everyone else.
🚫 No more pushing past the pain and over-working in the pursuit of achieving some arbitrary level of success.
🚫 No more putting my clients’ needs (and culinary desires) before my own.
🚫 No more eating out because I spend all day helping others eat at home.

"That’s when I realized combining my new Broiler Sheet Tray Method of cooking with batch cooking was the ticket."
So what did I do?
I quit my fancy, lucrative job as a private chef to a country music star and spent a few weeks eating Flare Free to heal through food, before I went back to working for myself.
(But this time, only for clients that need to eat the same way I do so I never again have to serve meals that don’t serve my body, and so that I could avoid hitting rock bottom ever again.)
But since I still had a ton of pain, I couldn’t physically stand in the kitchen long enough to cook 3 meals a day, every day, until my symptoms subsided.
That’s when I developed my Sheet Tray Broiler Method of cooking.
Instead of cooking my family’s favorite meals the traditional way, I started spreading everything out on sheet trays and cooking them in the broiler so I could cook in half the time and tidy up the kitchen while everything cooks in this hands-off way.
The result?
Ten days later, I was barefoot in my garden and kitchen again.
Now, I wasn’t 100% pain-free, but after 2 ½ years of having to wear shoes 24/7, this was a huge accomplishment!
And, because this method worked so well, I was able to use it while cooking for my Personal Holistic Chef clients tool! That’s when I realized combining my new Broiler Sheet Tray Method of cooking with batch cooking was the ticket.
I had finally unlocked the secret to eating Flare Free at home MORE by cooking LESS.
But I wasn’t willing to just keep these secrets to myself. Because I believe everyone deserves to eat better so they can feel better.
That’s why I’m sharing my 3 secrets to volume batch cooking anti-inflammatory meals the whole family wants to eat (without spending a fortune or wasting a whole day in the kitchen) so you can finally use food as medicine consistently enough to fight autoimmunity in my brand new FREE webinar:
The “Anti-Inflammatory Meal Prep Masterclass”

I’m soooo stoked to share this with you!
This free masterclass is my absolute favorite training to share with you and it’s jam-packed with free gifts and live giveaways for all who attend live!
A free copy of my “5 Anti-Inflammatory Family Friendly Meal Prep Recipes for Busy Foodies with Autoimmunity” recipe packet will be available for download for all who show up to the live masterclass and everyone who participates in our live giveaway during the masterclass will be entered to win one of 3 different prizes (including $100 grocery gift card)!!

I can’t wait and I hope to see you there!